While we certainly are responsible for a good share of our own debt, we have had plenty of bad luck which has contributed as well.
When we got married, we were each homeowners living in different states. We got married with $32000 credit card debt between us. That was all our own faults. I moved in with him. I was unable to find work teaching there, though I had plenty of interviews. My house didn't sell for over a year. We were paying two mortgages on basically one salary. I did have a part time teaching job, later added aftercare, and for a while had two additional part time jobs. I eventually burnt out and dropped the other two jobs. We were very very poor. I was pretty miserable, and it did not make for a good start to our marriage. There were many times I almost just came home. I guess ultimately, that is what I did. After another school year started, and I still hadn't gotten a job, I started looking at jobs back home. I applied for one, and within the hour the principal had called me to come for an interview. I booked a flight home and went in for the interview. I had a whole portfolio of student work, etc, which I had been promoting with all my might in umpteen interviews in the last two years. The principal opened the portfolio, and the first page was my teaching certificate from the state. He said "That's all I needed to see," closed the portfolio, and offered me the job on the spot.
I moved home with my parents - of course my house had
just sold (I basically broke even, not incluing all the empty mortgage and utility payments). Within a couple months, my husband had found a job here and we moved him down. Throughout this time, we had managed to pay off both our cars, his student loan, and a nice chunk of the credit cards. We went house shopping and found our beautiful house. But we had the problem of his townhome. As we had lived there, we had watched the units around us foreclose and sit empty. We knew there was no way we would be able to sell it. We knew we couldn't carry it. After a lot of considering, we ultimately decided to sell to homevestors. I still believe this was the best option available to us, and am glad we did it. However, it left us with a >$40000 mortgage. I still had $10,000 left over from the sale of my house minus the downpayment on the new house and we put that toward the townhouse mortgage. My dad covered the rest, and that is the personal loan that I pay $560 to every month. It is still at least half what we would pay if we still had the town home, not including the headache.
The summer after we bought our house, our a/c blew in the midst of 115 deg weather. That was about $1000
A couple of years ago we refinanced our mortgage. We did have two loans (which was making me crazy) on 6.5 and 7.5 % I think. We were able to get an interest only loan with our interest at around 1.5. Our payments are only around 500-700 but we still pay the same $2000 a month. My dad put us onto this, I think he wanted us to pay the minimum and pay off our debts but that terrifies me, because eventually the market is going to come back, our interest rate will go up, and we will have to refi again, and we have to be able to afford that payment. However, we are able to pay off much more of our principal each month doing this. We have paid off $20,000 so far in that time. They gave us more money than the original two loans. We used that money to pay off credit cards (yes, I know now that was dumb but it felt good at the time). I fully intended to keep the cards paid off at the time, but we started to run into another bout of bad luck.
First, my car needed new shocks or struts or something which cost $1000. Then, a few months later BOTH our cars needed transmission work. Mine needed a whole new transmission aroun $2500 and my husband's needed a part - about $800. This all went on the credit card. Then we began a two year tour of Animal Emergency Rooms. First, my cat. She had feline leukemia. I was told she wouldn't make it to adulthood. She lived over 5 years without ever being sick for a day. Then she started having seizures. We had several trips to emergency rooms for this, and she was on phenobarbital. Then she started losing alarming amounts of weight, even though she still ate just fine. We managed to keep her relatively stable, until we lost her in April.
In January, my dog was diagnosed with diabetes. We had several emergency room visits for that, plus bi-monthly visits to the vet for glucose testing. He was on insulin and some other medications. When by April he still wasn't stabilizing, we had to go through further diagnostics, which revealed a tumor on his adrenal gland. If they had told me they could operate, I would have, but they basically told me he would not be with us much longer. This was the same day we later lost my cat. It was a horrible day. After that, he only had one more emergency visit for a sugar low, which they kept him for a whole weekend. He died in November. I don't want to add up all the vet bills over the last couple of years, but I am sure it would be close to $10000.
The night before I started my new job, my car was robbed in my own driveway. From what I can tell, they only took my phone, charger and Ipod, (and a lot of loose change) but they really could have gotten a lot more. (They even went through my new bag of work clothes, but I guess they didn't like any of it.) We did replace the phone and the charger, but not the Ipod. I asked for it for the holidays, but did not get it. I have some Amazon gift cards that I may use toward a new one, I haven't decided yet. I haven't felt the same about our supposedly very safe area, though.
So, we have a bit of credit card debt again. I do also want to mention that I have never been a minimum payment person. We were paying $2500 to our credit cards alone until I switched jobs and we couldn't afford to anymore, and now I have budgeted us a little differently. As I said, I am not taking advantage of my interest only mortgage. I always made payments to the student loans, even when in deferment. I have never had a creditor call. It is all just spending more than I am paying, and living beyond my means, along with a bit of bad luck.