My husband told me, after paying the mortgage, that we still had $1400 in the checking account. This made me nervous first (that what didn't I pay/ what hasn't been cashed feeling), but should be accurate. A little bit of it was Christmas money and some refund checks he deposited. The rest must just be accumulated. He likes to leave more money in the account than I do. I thought a bit about what to do with this money. I decided 500 extra should go to the cards, 500 should be put aside for our plane tickets for the wedding in May (it has been stressing me out where that money would come from - plus I think we need to pay for a hotel too, and I still need shoes). He also wants a spaceheater for our basement, as we are having record breaking cold temperatures. My objection to that is more about safety than money, but as the Christmas money was to him from his mom, I figure he is entitled to spend a little of it on something he wants. And the rest will seed the account for now - I fully expect some high power bills coming, and we still haven't cut the cable or the server.
Then I finally cracked my Direct Loans online account and got to see where that is for the first time in months. And I about had a heart attack. The school was instructed to return any extra over tuition and books. And I only had two classes the last quarter. Nothing had been returned to the loan since my first quarter. I called Finaid at my school. He told me, "You are absolutely right." Then said something lame about how he is doing the yearly tax thingies you get from your school, but he hadn't gotten to me yet, so he didn't know. I have a $4000 credit at the college. How do you not notice that?? Seriously? Aren't you supposed to be returning it quarterly? Anyway. Hopefully that will get cleared right up now. I estimate the loan will still be around the $10000 mark once all is said and done.
Today, my sister found killer airfare for the wedding. $179 total, round trip. A few days ago it was $250 pre-taxes. We have all pounced on these tickets, so we are all booked and I can stop worrying about the flights and prices now. I paid with cash from our account. And it cost less than I thought it would.
Meanwhile, they make it as difficult as possible to cancel things. I have been trying to cancel my Bally's membership for a couple days. The first time I didn't have my membership card, so didn't know my membership number. Today I got stuck in digital menu land. Apparently, you can only cancel your membership for reasons of medical, no Bally in your city, or buyer's remorse. I do not fit any of these. I paid off my "contract" years ago and have just been getting charged $12 a month membership fees. I just want to cancel that membership. Pushing 9 or 0 does not get you a real person. So, I went with buyer's remorse. A long tirade about under what circumstances you can cancel your contract goes on and then finally, at the end, it gives me an option to speak to a representative. I was on hold for a couple minutes, then told that they had excessive hold times and I should call back again and it hung up on me. Seriously. More than 15 minutes of my work day wasted on this, and no result. I don't like confrontation, which is admittedly one of the reasons I have put this off for.... years. But now I am just pissed.
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