March: |
cc1,2,3,4: 0 |
cc5: 6048.51 |
Loan1: 4637.26 |
Loan 2: 11477.91 |
Loan 3: 12351.85 |
Debt: 34515.53 |
Paid last month: 1424.72 |
cc 1,2,3,4: 0
cc5: 6105.14 *
Loan 1: 4542.19
Loan 2: 11437.74
Loan 3: 11401.28 **
Debt: 33486.35
Paid: 1085.81
Total Paid: 10421.53
* Yeah, I know that is higher this month. Here's the deal. When my husband went to take care of his parents, he had to buy them a lot of stuff and run a lot of errands for them, plus buy the plane ticket. He used his credit card. His dad has since paid him back, but that isn't going to show up until the next statement. So, while that is a false total, it is what it is, and I am dealing with printed statement totals. About half of that should be gone next month.
** This is the loan to my father. I have done some reworking and decided to pay this off before my other student loan. Doing so not only allows me to hit my student loan fast and hard (because my payment to my dad is higher) but also allows me to pay my dad off by the end of the year, which is really appealing. The total owed changes, then, because I will owe less interest to him in the end, so this is lower than it was for those reasons.
So, while not a great month in the payoff department, we did surpass $10,000 paid, we are still on track for our payoff dates, and we should show some big losses in next month's report.
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